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The Legacy - Aapno Vaarso

Become a Yajman Post-24Friday 15 September 2023 till Tuesday 19 September 2023

Honoring The Legacy, we reflect on Aksharvaasi Mahant Sadguru Shastri Swami Dharmajivan Dasji and his profound inspiration, as powered by his unmoveable faith in Maharaj.

His visions, rooted in Swaminarayan Bhagwan's principles and Dharma, has carved a path of devotion and community, leaving an indelible mark on generations to come.

Since the inception of our temple, the Yuvak Mandal has achieved remarkable milestones that beautifully intertwine with the temple's evolution. This celebration isn't just a tribute to the temple's 50th charity registration, but also a joyous reflection of the journey that has led all of us to this significant moment.

This grand event is a testament to the loving devotion that has propelled Satsang to thrive, inspiring countless hearts and encouraging souls to flourish in embracing the path of righteousness.

Cherish The Past
Embrace The Present
Envision The Future

Sign up to be a Yajman (£25 per individual) for this Utsav, the Sunday Thakorthaali & various prashad throughout the 5 days, using the Button below or alternatively at the mandir thaal desk

Become a Yajman

