About Gujarati School
The Gujarati School was established in early 1977 and is now a centre of excellence for the teaching of Gujarati in the UK. The school started with a mixture of experienced teachers, graduates and educational enthusiasts. With time, the school attracted more highly educated volunteers as well as former student volunteers who had completed their GCSE in Gujarati at the school and wanted to further continue enhancing their Gujarati, as well as impart their knowledge to others.
GCSE Gujarati
Students at our school have been taking GCSE Gujarati exams for many years, initially at their school. In July 1995, our GujaratiSchool was granted exam centre status by the University of Cambridge Examination Board (now part of the OCR Examination Board). Since GCSE exams have been conducted at the school we have maintained an excellent pass rate (100%). This is due to the excellent teaching staff we have at the school, but it also reflects the quality of students we have had over the years. We trust that the future generations of GCSE Gujarati students maintain the very high standards set by past students.